Produced from grapes of Pinot Noir, grown on the fertile slopes of the southern part of Moldova. The wine has a brilliant ruby color and a fruit aroma with hints of oriental spices. The taste is soft and fruitiness with a velvety aftertaste.
Produced from grapes of Pinot Gris, grown on the fertile slopes of the southern part of Moldova. The wine has a light straw color with green shades. The wine has a fresh aroma with hints of exotic spices and acacia flowers. The taste is harmonious, with strong hints of exotic fruit.
Produced from grapes of Merlot, grown on the fertile slopes of the southern part of Moldova. The wine has the elegant ruby red color with a delicate plums aroma with vanilla shades. The taste is soft and velvety with a fruity flavor.
Produs din struguri de soiul Sauvignon, cultivați pe solurile fertile din partea de sud a Moldovei. Vinul are o culoare galben - pai și aromă de ardei verde și grapefruit. Gustul este bogat, pronunțat cu note de fructi exotice.